The mandated negotiators for Ngaati Whanaunga have been negotiating with the Crown since 2010 in relation to the Treaty settlement of Ngaati Whanaunga. In order to receive the redress from the Taamaki Collective Settlement, and the other settlements to come (Hauraki Collective, Marutuahu Collective), the people of Ngaati Whanaunga have the opportunity to vote on the following three resolutions:

  1. I as a member of Ngaati Whanaunga support the Ngaati Whanaunga Deed of Settlement;
  2. I as a member of Ngaati Whanaunga approve the Deed of Settlement being signed on behalf of Ngaati Whanaunga by the mandated body – Ngaati Whanaunga Incorporated Society, the mandated negotiators – Tipa Compain and Nathan Kennedy, and the initial trustees of the Ngaati Whanaunga Ruunanga Trust; and
  3. I as a member of Ngaati Whanaunga agree the Ngaati Whanaunga Ruunanga Trust will be the Post Settlement Governance Entity to receive the Ngaati Whanaunga Treaty settlement redress.


Information Hui

Ngaati Whanaunga encourages members to attend the following hui where information will be shared on the DOS and proposed PSGE:




11th November 2017


Thames War Memorial Civic Centre, 200 Mary Street, THAMES.

16th November 2017


Sudima Auckland Airport, 18 Airpark Drive, Airport Oaks, AUCKLAND

19th November 2017


Novotel Hamilton Tainui, 7 Alma Street, HAMILTON.


Voting Arrangements

Voter packs will be posted to all adult (18 and over) registered members of Ngaati Whanaunga from 3 November 2017. The voter packs will include a ratification booklet outlining the DOS and PSGE proposals, and will include options for members to cast their votes by post, online or at one of the ratification hui detailed above. The voting period for the ratification will close at midday on Friday 8 December 2017. Copies of the ratification booklet, and the DOS and PSGE documents can be viewed at www.ngaatiwhanaunga.maori.nz

To register or to update existing contact details, please contact the election helpline on 0800 666 935 or email details to iro@electionz.com



Call for Nominations 

The Ngaati Whanaunga Ruunanga Trust is the proposed Post Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE) to receive and manage the Ngaati Whanaunga Treaty settlement redress.

The PSGE will be governed by 5 initial trustees under the provisions of the second schedule of the trust deed of the Ngaati Whanaunga Ruunanga Trust. The term of office for initial trustees are set out in the second schedule to the Ngaati Whanaunga Ruunanga Trust deed, which can be viewed at www.ngaatiwhanaunga.maori.nz.

Nominations from adult (18 and over) registered members of Ngaati Whanaunga are now called to fill those five vacancies. Nominations open on 13 October 2017 and close at midday 27 October 2017. Nominations must be made on an official nomination form which is available, along with an information sheet covering election requirements, by contacting the election helpline (contact details below).

If more than five nominations are received, an election will be held by postal, internet and ballot box voting. Voting details will be included with the voter packs for the DOS & PSGE ratification. The voting period for the initial trustee election will extend from 3 November 2017 to midday 8 December 2017.

Anthony Morton
Returning Officer – Ngaati Whanaunga PO Box 3138, Christchurch 8140
0800 666 935 or iro@electionz.com


Here are the following ratification documents:

Ngaati Whanaunga Combined First Notice of Election

Deed of Settlement of Historical Claims

Deed of Settlement Attachments Schedule

Deed Of Settlement Documents Schedule

Deed of Settlement General Matters Schedule

Deed of settlement Property Redress Schedule

Settlement Summary

Ngaati Whanaunga Ruunanga Trust – FINAL PSGE Trust Deed

Ngaati Whanaunga 2017 D.O.S. & P.S.G.E. Info Booklet v2

Ngaati Whanaunga Preliminary Candidates Listing 2017